Complete Story


Thomas Cook

Headshot Circle 200 X 200 2 Thomas is with Blue Tiger International, a global business consulting company in supply chain management, trade compliance, purchasing, and global trade & logistics.Tom has over 30 years’ experience helping companies all over the world manage their business models, supply chain risk, and spend and import/export operations. He also serves as director of the National Institute of World Trade (NIWT), a nonprofit corporate training school on global trade and supply chain management.

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The Little Black Book of Strategic Planning for Distributors

Brent Grover

UID Book Store Covers

Brent Grover’s latest book on the wholesale distribution industry, The Little Black Book of Strategic Planning for Distributors, is published by Modern Distribution Management. This is a concise book covering the critical pieces of creating a strategic plan for a wholesale distribution company including case studies, exhibits and end-of-chapter questions for your management team. 

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