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016. Marketing Makeover: How to Fix Your Marketing and Drive More Revenue to Your Business . How to Become a Stronger Coach and Leader of Your Sales Team (morning)
Instructor: Jamie Turner
Level of Complexity: Intermediate/Advanced
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Several years ago, Williams-Sonoma introduced a bread maker for $275. When sales of the bread maker didn’t take off, they introduced a second bread maker that was slightly better than the $275 bread maker … but they charged $550 for it. What happened after they introduced the $550 bread maker? Sales of the $275 bread maker went through the roof. This happened because Williams-Sonoma knew about Relative Pricing which is a way to help consumers re-frame how they think about the cost of products. Bottom Line: Consumers behave in ways that are sometimes surprising. And businesses that understand these behaviors outperform their competitors. In this fun, engaging, action-oriented speech, internationally recognized author, professor, and CNN contributor Jamie Turner will take everything you know about marketing and turn it on its head. This is a top-to-bottom look at consumer behavior, insight development, and strategic thinking. You won’t learn about simple tactics in this session. Instead, you’ll learn how to re-wire your brain so that you can be more innovative, fresh, and inventive when you develop your next marketing campaign.
Learning Objectives:
- How to Think Backwards: New problems can’t be solved with old solutions. By thinking backwards, you can arrive at new, surprising solutions.
- Consumer Behavior: Consumers behave in funny ways. In this speech, attendees learn how to use those behaviors to improve marketing results.
- Neuroscience: Neuroscience helps us re-frame how we think about consumers. Understanding neuroscience is a marketer’s secret weapon.
Who Comes Next? Leadership Succession Planning Made Easy
Mary C. Kelly
Leaders leave. It's inevitable. It might even happen today. Are you prepared? Every organization needs a plan for leadership succession, but few leaders know how to start the process. WHO COMES NEXT? solves that problem and easily guides you through the steps of creating and implementing a viable succession plan.
This essential guidebook simplifies the process and gives you the tools you need to build and activate your leadership succession. You’ll find a comprehensive action plan, a library of all the tools needed to develop and sustain your plan, and a resource guide. You’ll learn how to:
- Communicate with customers about the change
- Identify talent gaps in your succession plan
- Decide which succession planning model to adapt
- Find the next generation of leadership within your organization
- Handle the unique emotional complexities of succession in a family-owned business
Whether you are part of a small, family business, a Fortune 500 company, or a non-profit, you need to start now by answering the question: WHO COMES NEXT?