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033. Business Applications of AI for Distribution Businesses (morning)

Instructor: J. Michael Marks

Level of Complexity: Intermediate
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM


This discussion is not about the hype and the ‘future,’ rather is provides a foundation on how this technology actually works and practical applications for industrial distributors. ChatGPT and the other large language models are only a popular, albeit small part of the field. Algorithm design and machine learning often can generate improved financial returns very quickly. In fact, many distributors already have some AI capabilities and don’t even know they have it. The discussion will include many specific distribution examples along with techniques around how to identify a valuable AI project, along with how to design and manage it. Participants will receive an extensive list of clickable research links to gain the knowledge and facts for making their own decisions.

This technology is going to have a significant impact on how distributors can create value going forward. This content was added so participants can understand the costs and the benefits can help them create competitive advantage in new ways. The topic is both challenging and exciting to your instructor, he has been involved in the field since 1989 with LISP and Prolog.

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Value-Added Selling (4th Edition)

Paul Reilly & Tom Reilly

Value Added Book

“Value” is about more than just price. Good salespeople understand that and know what differentiates their products from that of competitors. Developments in technology, including price comparison apps and search engines, now provide consumers with more information than ever, making it much harder to value and sell your product. Additionally, millennials, who now comprise the largest population in the workforce, prefer to do things differently than prior generations. This updated fourth edition of Reilly’s classic guide examines the latest trends and technology that have impacted the market and provides expert advice on leveraging current technology to increase sales.

Value-Added Selling, 4th edition offers proven strategies and tactics to help you not only close more sales but improve repeat business without compromising on price. You’ll learn how to anticipate the needs, wants, and concerns of buyers from the very beginning of the sales process. The book shows how to compete more profitably by selling value, not price. Visit for more information on this important message.


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