Complete Story


Alex Chausovsky


In his investment banking advisory role as the Director of Analytics and Consulting for Bundy Group, Alex Chausovsky is a trusted resource and advisor for owners and executives of privately held firms and industry trade associations on analytical, economic, and business-oriented topics.

Alex is a highly experienced market researcher and analyst with more than two decades of expertise across industries such as automation, industrial technology, healthcare, business services and manufacturing. He has consulted and advised companies throughout the U.S. and Canada, Europe, South America, and Asia. 

Alex has delivered more one thousand presentations, webinars, and workshops to small businesses, trade associations, and Fortune 500 companies and is the go-to source of industry data and insights for hundreds of enterprises across a spectrum of industries.

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The Little Black Book of Strategic Planning for Distributors

Brent Grover

UID Book Store Covers

Brent Grover’s latest book on the wholesale distribution industry, The Little Black Book of Strategic Planning for Distributors, is published by Modern Distribution Management. This is a concise book covering the critical pieces of creating a strategic plan for a wholesale distribution company including case studies, exhibits and end-of-chapter questions for your management team. 

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