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To Have and To Hold: 101 Smart Strategies to Engage Employees

Lisa Ryan


Are you looking for employee engagement ideas that are easy to implement and make sense for your team? Do you want to increase employee commitment to your organization and make sure that you keep your top talent from becoming someone else’s? Can you use some ideas to help with retention strategies? If you answered “yes” to any of the above questions, this book is for you. Engage Employee Book

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Old Dog, New Clicks: Online Industrial and B2B Marketing Know-How for the 21st Century

Bob DeStefano

Olddognewclicks Sample 1Two big, related dynamics are changing the field of industrial and B2B marketing: It's an ever-younger crowd with a penchant for the wired and the wireless, and they don't enjoy phone sales calls. They're likely to Google you first, pop over to your website, then check out your social media accounts. How will they find you? What will they find when they do?

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