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044. Liar, Liar Pants on Fire: Decoding Body Language in Negotiations (afternoon)

Instructor: Traci L. Brown

Level of Complexity: Foundational/Intermediate
10:15 AM - 11:15 AM

When the economy gets uncertain, fraud and deception goes up. It might not be intentional, but people are more apt to stretch the truth or omit important information in negotiations when money is tight. How can you tell when something is not quite right in supplier discussions? Or when interviewing potential candidates? Or in that big sales meeting? Body language expert and Human Behavior Analyst Traci Brown will share tactics used by the FBI to uncover hidden truths and tactfully steer conversations in a more honest and productive direction so you make decisions using info that’s been hidden in plain sight. You’ll save time, money, energy and get to yes more quickly. Make sure to see my demo videos:
In this fast paced session, you'll discover:
  1. Subtle body language that suggests deceit.
  2. Words or phrases that should be red flags in texts or emails.
  3. How to draw out the truth with kindness and professionalism.

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