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035. How to Become a Stronger Coach and Leader of Your Sales Team (afternoon)

Instructor: Jim Pancero, CSP, CPAE

Level of Complexity: Intermediate/Advanced
1:30 PM - 4:00 PM

This information-intensive program will focus on the sales leadership skills required to successfully manage and motivate a sales team today. We will discuss and address how to motivate people, the difference between coaching and consulting as a manager, and how to conduct effective sales ride-with’s with your reps. There will also be plenty of time to answer your questions and concerns. A detailed program workbook/action guide will be provided.
This is the second half-day program - My first was on selling skills and this one is for leadership skills for a sales manager. 
Learning Objectives:
  1. This program will cover the best practices of managing and leading a sales team including how to motivate your team, how to be more of a selling coach, and how to be more proactive and future focused as a sales leader.
  2. This program will also offer the best practices of conducting ride-with coaching calls with salespeople. This includes a detailed description of how to apply a 20 question ride-with evaluation to coach and guide a manager through improving their sales ride-with experience.

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